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Dharma & Life Purpose
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Huge Social Distancing $100.00 Discount 
Astrology of Dharma and Life Purpose - 47.00 - Plus a Live Q&A Class.

You will learn: 

  • The 4 astrology houses that are at least as important as the 10th house in career, (if not more important). But you need to know how to analyze these houses strategically, not just haphazardly. And you must avoid at all costs any of the “good / bad” assertions.
  • “For the career we look at the 10th house, right?” – Wrong. that is way too simplistic. Learn why this is one of the biggest mistakes astrologers make when they try to analyze peoples career.
  • Gain a lifetime of confidence in one weekend. That might sound like a bold claim, but you will see case study after case study of famous people, normal people all transitioning from being totally lost to becoming totally “found”. This is not only good for astrologers, it is good for you, if you are feeling lost in your life. This will show you why and when things might change.
  • How to strategically analyze the most important planets for anyone's career, life purpose and souls awakening. These four planets all conspire to bring our life into focus. Our swadharma is a higher octave of our identity. That's why in order to rise in life publicly we must elevate our spiritual awareness an understanding of our self.
  • The crucial timing factors, both through the dashas, and the transits in the Sky, that always compel us to change and get more aligned. By the way, we are always feeling these pressures in one way or another, including right now. At any given time we are being challenged to know ourselves better and share it with the world .
  • I will analyze every house and planet as a contributing factor to our life purpose and Swadharma. You must understand this and refer a person back to it in every astrology reading. For professional astrologers or experienced students, you are missing this point in your readings. Never assume that Venus is just about "relationships”, for example. You must be able to see those things and all things in a higher context of our expressed life purpose.
  • How to use the appropriate harmonic charts to see skills and tendencies in our career and purpose, but also to analyze and understand the timing of when those great opportunities will manifest. 
  • If you are an astrologer, you can bury the competition with your specific career readings after taking this course. You will be able to add enormous nuance to any reading situation.
  • You can take people out of their simplistic ideas like “I'm not sure what I should be doing, what does astrology say” statements and into the deeper reasons why they are lost and what they can do about it right now. 
  • So much more!

When: Saturday and Sunday April 17-18 at 10AM - 4PM Pacific Approx. (with break) Or at your convenience if you cannot attend in real time.
Lifetime Access to Recordings 
Where: Your Home. It is a Live Zoom Class
How Much: $47.00 (Social Distancing Discount)
You Get: 8-10 hours of live class. Audio, Electronic Manual, Lifetime Access, Discount for other Courses. 
SPECIAL Q&A Date: April 25 - FREE "Q and A" Day to make sure you get your questions answered.
Huge Shifts from this Course 

A. “Pillars of Purpose and Prosperity”

  • Sanatana dharma to SwaDharma
  • Dharma to Artha, how they are connected?
Houses 1 and 2 - Personal Self and Values
  • Houses 5 and 6 - Passion and Service
  • Houses 9 and 10 - Wisdom and Commitment

B. “Commitment and Confidence Quotient”

  • Analyzing the Sun

  • Analyzing Saturn
Analyzing the 10th house Lord
Analyzing the Atma Karaka

C. The Timing of Triumph and Transformation

  • Dasa cycles of Planetary Karakas

  • Dasa cycles of Important Rulers
  • Review of important principles
  • Transits and the living Sky.

D. “Deeper Dive into Destiny”
  • D10 harmonic Chart

  • D9 Navamsa Chart
  • Other important astrology Houses
  • Crucial Nakshatra Principles 

When: Saturday and Sunday April 17-18 at 10AM - 4PM Pacific Approx. (with break) Or at your convenience if you cannot attend in real time.
Lifetime Access to Recordings 
Where: Your Home. It is a Live Zoom Class
How Much: $47.00 (Social Distancing Discount)
You Get: 8-10 hours of live class. Audio, Electronic Manual, Lifetime Access, Discount for other Courses. 